Audio Data (Sollukattu)
There exist 23 unique Sollakattu's (Audio) which are used for the 58 Adavu's. Every Adavu uses a given Sollukattu.
For example, while performing variations Natta-1 to Natta-8 (variations of Natta Adavu) the Natta Sollakattu is used.
It is given as: tei yum tat tat tei yum ta.
Those words treated as beats / bols. We have recorded 30 audio files for 23 Sollakattu's.
That is, some Sollukattu's have more than one recordings for different cycle lengths. These were recorded by Dancer-1.
Each Sollakattu is recorded for one / four cycle/s. These audio files are in wav format.
Bharatnatyam experts have annotated
each Sollakattu
using an application Audacity and have marked the beats. The start and end time of
every beat occurrence is marked and noted. The annoated files are presented in csv format. Each csv file
has three columns. The first and secound coloumns show the start and end time of the beat occurrence respectively. The third coloumn
gives the 'bol' of the beat. The Each file (audio/annotation) is associated with a number that denotes the variation linked with
the Adavu. For example, the audio file "Kudita_mettu_123" is used for the three variation of the Adavu "Kudita_mettu".
The downloadable data set is given below.
Data Files